Custody operations

  • Simple and fast access to all important regional markets (SEE Link members)  
  • Satisfying the clients’ individual needs

Sparkasse Bank Makedonija AD Skopje provides securities custody service.

Types of custody services

Below are given custody services offered by Sparkasse Bank Makedonija to its clients, national and international legal and natural persons in domestic and foreign markets:

  • Opening and maintaining custodian securities accounts and custodian cash (denar and foreign currency) accounts;
  • Settlement and execution of securities transactions ordered by a client in domestic and foreign capital markets;
  • Collection of yield from securities as well as notifications on disbursed dividends, interests or maturity of other receivables from securities;
  • Notification on corporate events, shareholders assemblies and representation therein as well as notification on the rights arising from securities and execution of orders related to corporate events;
  • Payment of the clients’ tax obligations as securities holders;
  • Other services agreed with the client.