Investment loans

  • Financing modernization, diversification and/or extension of your business
  • Purchase or building business facilities, land and/or storage space
  • Renewal or investment in a vehicle fleet
  • Possibility for investment in long-term assets with partial inclusion of an investment in a working capital
  • Refinancing own investments in long-term investments and etc
  • Possibility of 24-month grace period

Investment loans allow you to finance investments in modernization and/or extension of your business, diversification of products and production capacities, construction or purchase of your own business offices or storage space, construction sites, vehicle fleet and other fixed assets.

Investment loans allow you to finance investments in

  • modernization, diversification and/or extension of your business;
  • equipment with diversification in new or existing production capacities;
  • land, construction facilities and/or storage space;
  • vehicle fleet;
  • primary livestock;
  • construction of business capacities;
  • refinancing previous investments;
  • other fixed assets.

Basic characteristics

Loan amount

up to 70% Of the total investment value

Own participation

minimum 30%

Grace period

up to 12 months

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.