Letters of credit and guarantee

  • High level of security for collection of receivables, delivery of goods and payment of obligations
  • Facilitated planning of cash flows by higher capacity utilization and increase of the profits
  • Support in negotiations and realization of foreign trade with minimum risks

A letter of credit is the safest payment instrument in international trade in terms of an agreement which allows the Bank to act upon the request and order of its client (importer) having obligation to pay by presenting documents for meeting the previously agreed terms and conditions provided for in the letter of credit. This instrument protects the interests of both buyer and seller, particularly if they have just commenced their cooperation in the foreign trade. The buy is safeguarded that they will receive the ordered goods or service in line with their needs, while the seller is secured that the delivered goods will be paid.

Submission of an adequate bank guarantee often appears as a need for quality implementation of your business projects and effective running of your current operations.

If you need a partner in your cooperation with business partners in the country or abroad, we offer issue of denar / foreign currency guarantees ensuring your safety, deferred payment of the purchased goods, securing of a debt etc., which is necessary for your regular operations i.e. to facilitate planning your cash flow.

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Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.