Denar Letters of Guarantee

Assistance in realizing deferred payment of your obligations

Submission of an adequate bank guarantee often appears as a need for quality implementation of your business projects and effective running of your current operations. If you need a partner in your cooperation with business partners in the country or abroad, we offer issue of denar / foreign currency guarantees ensuring your safety, deferred payment of the purchased goods, securing of a debt etc., which is necessary for your regular operations i.e. to facilitate planning your cash flow.

Depending on your needs, we issue the following types of Denar Letter of Guarantee:

  • Payment guarantees
  • Tender guarantees, advance payment guarantees, performance guarantees, quality maintenance guarantees, bid bonds
  • Customs guarantees for securing a debt in all types of customs procedures
  • Counter Letter of Intent to Guarantee

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.