Special financing programs

Loan facilities in cooperation with other financial institutions

  • Various forms of business cooperation to stimulate the business growth
  • Possibility for granting a subsidy for more convenient lending to entrepreneurship

We offer special financing programs for ranges of different business cooperation with MBDP. Some of these programs include granting subsidies to provide more favourable lending to entrepreneurship.

Cooperation with MBDP

The Bank participates in lending various loan facilities through MBDP while focused on the quality of programs intended for lending to small- and medium- sized companies and financing export.

Main task of MBDP – Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion is to promote export through lending and other forms of support in order to provide support to development of small- and medium- sized trade companies through approval of investment loans as well as securing collection of the export made against short-term commercial risks.

The Bank, in order to accommodate its clients, has concluded loan facility agreements through MBDP.

EIB 7 Credit Line

is intendet for small and medium-sized companies with up to 250 employees, mid-cap companies that have fewer than 3,000 employees for investment projects and working capital, including green transition. Fixed interest rate of 3.5% per year.

Maximum amount:

  • SME projects-investment loan including for green transition– from EUR 10.000 to EUR 3.500.000 from 4 to 12 years
  • MID-CAP projects-medium-capitalised societies including for green transition– from EUR 40.000 to EUR 6.000.000, from 4 to 12 years
  • PWC-permanent working capital – from EUR 5.000 to EUR 666.700 up to 3 years

Repayment method – Monthly annuities (for PWC possibility of revolving credit per min. 24 months)

Loan facilities from MBDP

Main task of MBDP – Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion is to promote export through lending and other forms of support in order to provide support to development of small- and medium- sized trade companies through approval of investment loans as well as securing collection of the export made against short-term commercial risks.

The Bank, in order to accommodate its clients, has concluded loan facility agreements through MBDP.

Italian Credit Line

Working Capital Euro Credit Line.

Loan amount: Minimum EUR 50,000.00, maximum EUR 400,000.00.

Repayment period: Up to 3 years with possible 6-month grace period.

Repayment terms: Quarterly, monthly or repayment in line with the export inflows.

Financing of export arrangements

Financing of working capital for preparation of production intended for export or for bridging the period between the export and collection of assets from a foreign buyer. The loan finances maximum 85% of the export arrangement accounting value, while minimum 15% of the funds are provided by the exporter from own or other resources.

Loan amount: Minimum EUR 15,000.00 and maximum EUR 2,000,000.00.
Repayment period: up to 24 months
Repayment terms: Quarterly, monthly or repayment in line with the export inflows.

Permanent working capital loan from MBDP

The loan assets are approved for support of trade companies for permanent working capital.

Loan amount: Minimum EUR 30,000.00 and maximum EUR 300,000.00 Repayment period: Up to 3 years with possible 6-month grace period. Repayment terms: Quarterly

Investment loans from MBDP

This loan facility in foreign currencies is aimed at financing investment and development of small- and medium- sized trade companies while permitting supply of fixed assets (minimum 50%) and working capital (maximum 50%).

Loan amount: Minimum EUR 10,000.00 and maximum EUR 500,000.00 Repayment period: Up to 8 years with possible 1-year grace period. Repayment terms: Quarterly

Permanent working capital loan from EIB

Loan for financing of working capital from EIB1 in euro Support of request for permanent increase of the companies’ working capital needs.

Maximum amount:

  • Up to EUR 20,000.00 – for micro companies
  • Up to EUR 200,000.00 – for small-sized companies
  • Up to EUR 666,700.00 – for medium-sized companies

* Minimum amount: EUR 5,000.00

Repayment period: Not less than 2 years and not more than 3 years with maximum 6-month grace period. Repayment terms: Quarterly

Permanent working capital loan from EIB2 in euro

Support of request for permanent increase of the companies’ working capital needs.

Loan amount: Minimum EUR 5,000.00 and maximum EUR 666,700.00 Repayment period: Up to 3 years with a maximum 6-month grace period. Repayment terms: Quarterly

Loan for investment of SMEs from EIB revolving

This loan facility is aimed at financing investment and development of small- and medium- sized trade companies while permitting supply of fixed assets (minimum 70%) and working capital (maximum 30%).

Maximum amount:

  • Up to EUR 45,000.00 – for micro companies
  • Up to EUR 450,000.00 – for small-sized companies
  • Up to EUR 3,500,000.00 – for medium-sized companies

* Minimum amount: EUR 10,000.00 Repayment period: Up to 5 years with a maximum 12-month grace period. Repayment terms: Quarterly

Loan for primary production

Loans that allow customers to borrow money for fixed assets (primary livestock, plantation, equipment, purchase of cultivated/uncultivated agricultural land, purchase of machinery and etc.). Maximum amount: EUR 100,000.00 (obligatory participation of 30% in equipment, land, facilities).

Repayment period: Up to 72 months with grace period (see the table for details).

Loans for processing of agricultural products

These loans enable the customers working capital for processing agricultural products, purchase of agricultural products (at least 70% of the basic raw material has to be of domestic origin), purchase of all types of components for production of feedstuffs.

Maximum amount:

  • EUR 200,000.00 (obligatory participation of 30% in equipment, land, facilities).
  • Up to EUR 300,000.00 as exception
  • Maximum amount of the loan EUR 300,000.00 as exception per borrower for processing of fruit, vegetables, milk, meat, grape (wine-cellar), mushrooms and spices, medical and aromatic products.

Repayment period: up to 36 months

Repayment term: Monthly or quarterly annuities

Export-oriented company loan – trade

Fixed assets for trade in primary agricultural products intended for export (cooling devices for conditional maintenance of usable value of the products until their sale, calibration and packaging machines, construction of new and purchase or modernization of existing facilities for postharvest handling – storage, conditional maintenance of the products until their sale, calibration, packing) for fruit and vegetables and milk collection centers. Working capital for trade in primary agricultural products intended for export, purchase of primary agricultural products, packaging and labelling.

Maximum amount: EUR 200,000.00 (obligatory participation of 30% in equipment, land, facilities). Repayment period: up to 12 months. Repayment term: Monthly, quarterly, semiannually or at the end of the repayment period (depending on the intend). Currency clause: Denar loan with currency clause.

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