  • 2024 29 Април
    Соопштенија 57th Meeting of the Shareholders Assembly of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje

According to Article 30 Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 of the Statute of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje, the Supervisory Board of



for convening the Shareholders Assembly of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje

 57th Meeting of the Shareholders Assembly of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje will be held on 28.05.2024 (Tuesday) at 12:00h at Headquarter of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje, Street Vasil Iljoski 14 Skopje, with the following


1. Election of the Chairman of the Assembly, Notary and vote counter;

2. Reviewing the Minutes of the 56th Shareholders Assembly  

3. Separate Financial Statements of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje for 2023 audited by external auditor Grant Thornton DOO Skopje and Report of the external auditor

4.  Consolidated Financial Statements of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje for 2023 audited by external auditor Grant Thornton DOO Skopje and Report of the external auditor

5. Annual account and Financial statements of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje for the period 01.01.-31.12.2023

6. Consolidated Annual Account and Consolidated Financial Statements of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje for the period 01.01.-31.12.2023

7. Annual Report on the Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje activities in 2023

8. Consolidated Annual Report on the Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje activities in 2023

9. Proposal decision for allocation and distribution of profit of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje for 2023

10. Report on the activities of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje Supervisory Board in 2023, collectively and from the aspect of its individual members

Shareholders are invited to register their participation to the Assembly.

Any shareholder intending to participate in the Bank's Assembly is obliged to register their participation to the Assembly (application for participation on the Assembly) at the latest before the start of the scheduled session of the Assembly.

The applications should be delivered to the Bank – Cabinet of the Management Board.

The Assembly will decide only on issues that are neatly placed on the agenda, in accordance with the Statute of the Bank and the Law on Trade Companies.

The voting on agenda items will be carried out in accordance with the Statute and the Law on Trade Companies.

Each shareholder may authorize their authorized person with written power of attorney, for which he is obliged to notify the Bank, writing or electronically. The information about the manner of sending the notification about the power of attorney and the voting forms via an authorize person is available on the Bank's official website

According the Law on Trade Companies, the shareholders that individually or jointly own at least 5% of the total number of the voting shares, have the right to deliver proposal for amendment of the agenda and the decisions on agenda items request.

Shareholders can submit proposals to include new items on the agenda, propose decisions and questions within 8 (eight) days of the day the public call is published and detailed information on the procedure for submitting proposals and questions can be found on the Bank's official

The request to include one or more items on the agenda of the Assembly which is already convened, should be sent to the body that convened the Bank's Assembly within 8 (eight) days of the date on which the invitation was sent, i.e. from the day the public call for participation of the Assembly was published.

The materials for the Bank’s Assembly and additional information in accordance with the Law on Trade Companies are available to shareholders from the day of the publication of this call, every working day at the premises of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje and on the website of the Bank


Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje



Georg Bucher