Culture and Art

Significant segment in the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy of Sparkasse Bank Makedonija is promotion of culture and art in the Republic of Macedonia, which we actively assist by supporting cultural events, art exhibitions, and promoting the Austrian culture through participation in the projects organized at the level of the Embassy of the Republic of Austria in the Republic of  Macedonia.

Sparkasse Bank sponsor of D festival

For the first time this year, Sparkasse Bank was the sponsor of the best festival in the country – D Festival that was held in Dojran for the 12th time this year.

We partied and had fun at our Sparkasse Life corner, distributed prizes and enjoyed the amazing company and beautiful music.



Ohrid Beach Film Festival 2022

This year we were part of this multimedia event, which aims to foster dialogue and critical reflection inspired by screenings of European films! The event took place from July 20th to July 24th at three attractive locations in Ohrid: Amphitheatre at St. Sofia, Lapidarium and Slavia Beach.

Cinedays 2022

And this year, before the GTC salary, we watched European films at the Cinedays Festival of European Film!We opened this year's festival with the premiere of the movie "Mickey" directed by Darian Pejovski.



Sparkase Bank with the support of "Vevchanska art colony"

The international art colony "Vevčani Sightings" was officially opened at 25.06.2022, and Sparkase Bank supports this cultural event, which is being held for the 11th time in the picturesque Vevchani!

As a Bank that believes in art and in young creatives from all artistic fields, as well as in all inspiring people who follow their dreams, we were amazed by the talent and works of over 20 established artists from the country and abroad!

Sparkase Bank through its platform Sparkase Life continuously provides support to cultural and artistic activities, and in the future it will continue to participate in various social responsibility projects and nurture the cultural values ​​of Macedonia.


Eco Masquerade in collaboration with Pacomak and Ramstor Mall

We develop creativity, increase eco-awareness among the youngest! On the occasion of April 1, the day of the joke, Sparkase Bank together with Ramstore Mall - Skopje and Pacomak organized the Eco - Maskembal this year.

fun and educational masks, an unforgettable concert with the Golden Nightingale and lots of joy and laughter! And of course, the most creative and fun eco masks were chosen by the expert jury and awarded:

1st place Ivan Krchkov with his tank of peace won a savings deposit of 10,000 MKD

2nd place Marija Mikulets and Eco robots won a savings deposit of 6,000 MKD

3rd place Stefan Smilceski, like a parrot, took a saving deposit of 4,000 MKD


Strumica Carnival 2022

Sparkase Bank has traditionally continued its support for this iconic event in the Municipality of Strumica, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.

Support for CineDays 2021

Sparkasse Bank was one of the general sponsors of CineDays 2021! In that way, he supported this popular festival, bringing movie titles closer to all movie lovers.

"Sparkase Banka attaches importance to supporting various events, especially content close to the young generation as an additional motive for cooperation with MCC", said Gligor Bishev, Chairman of the Management Board and General Executive Director of "Sparkase Banka".


Ohrid Summer Festival

Sparkasse Bank Makedonija, as one of the main sponsors of the cultural manifestation "Ohrid Summer Festival", supports the promotion of the cultural activities that are conducted within the festival and enables the participation of renowned domestic and foreign music artists.

Vienna Ball

Sparkasse Bank Makedonija as a supporter of the Vienna Ball event organized by the Association for Cultural Cooperation "Johan Strauss" and under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of Austria in Skopje. The Bank traditionally is one of the patrons of this event.