Education & sports

Sparkasse Bank Makedonija traditionally supports projects originating from educational institutions aimed at improving the quality of education, supporting talented young people for their further advanced education and publications of professional studies and literature in various scientific fields.

Within the Sparkasse Life platform, most projects are intended to encourage all individuals, regardless of their age, to actively practice and create habits for keeping a healthy lifestyle. In cooperation with well established sports institutions, prominent athletes and health professionals, we promote values for healthy lifestyle through public debates and publications and we spread them among our employees in the Bank.

Skopje Marathon 2022

This year, a team from Sparkasse Bank participated in the 18th edition of the Skopje Marathon. 44 of our running-loving colleagues were part of the capital's most massive sports event, enjoying sharing wonderful energy through Skopje's streets and team friendship from early morning until the event ended. They showed that with faith in themselves, results are inevitable, but also that #intheteamispower! We continue to promote healthy habits! !


Sparkasse Bank in Business Run 2022

Sparkasse Bank is proud of its colleagues and colleagues who were part of the first-to-top🥇 business race. The team has the strength, and that has been proven by our 4 teams: Team Excellence, Team Agility, Team Passion and Team Partnership, which participated in the relay run of this year's Business Run and through super-companionship, team-overcome this sporting challenge, while our Stojce is second in the list of best individual results in men's competition! Within the Sparkasse Life platform, together with our employees we join all the sporting challenges that follow, because we support and respect healthy habits! 🙌🏼💙


The ladies from Sparkase Bank with a victory at "Ohrid TrchaT"

Sparkase is proud of his colleagues who were part of the "Ohrid Run" event, which was held for the sixth time in Ohrid. 🏃 We are especially happy and would like to congratulate our colleagues who, out of 1300 runners from 18 countries in the world, WON THE FIRST PLACE in the women's category! 🏆

This is another confirmation of the impeccable teamwork of our employees, additional motivation to continue building a successful #SparkasseLife and to function as one big family.




First to the top 2022

There is strength in the team, and our team traditionally joins all the sports challenges that follow, because we support and respect healthy habits! First to the top was another challenge of our colleagues, who successfully managed to reach the goal with great friendship along the Vodno forests and great energy.

Sparkasse Bank with the support of the 24th International Medical Science Congress

This year, Sparkase Banka attended the 24th International Medical Scientific Congress organized by the Macedonian Medical Student Association in Ohrid. Sparkasse Bank was a proud supporter of the gathering and always strives to encourage and support young, future doctors who share acquired skills, learn to think critically and most importantly nurture their enthusiasm!




On June 18, 2022, the seventh edition of the International Judo Tournament "Struga Open" was held organized by the Judo Club "Drim" – Struga.In the seventh edition of this international judo tournament, judoists from 9 different countries from 43 different clubs took part. The overall winner of the tournament was the Mostar Judo Club, while as the most successful in the Junior U21 category was the Millennium Club of Podgorica. Sparkasse Bank as an obsessively responsible company supported this sporting event, because we believe in all the young people who #beliveinyourself

Careers Day

On 07.06.2022 Sparkase Bank was part of the all-day event "Career Development Day". The event was held in front of the plateau at St. "Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje was organised by UKIM and THRIVITY, and more than 25 companies participated. Our representatives at this event presented students with employment and practice opportunities at our Bank during and after completing their studies.



"Women's race" 2022

Because the team is the strength!

This year, the ladies from Sparkase Bank did not stop even the rain and the cold weather from accepting the challenge and running 3km at the 10th anniversary edition of the "Women's Race". This is how we continue the tradition of promoting healthy habits.



We inspire and educate new generations

At the Sparkasse Innovation Camp, where Sparkasse Bank employees took the role of an expert jury and selected the best and most innovative ECO projects. For the third year in a row Sparkase Bank supports Junior Achievement Macedonia, a project that inspires and prepares ambitious young people, the next financially literate generation that is ready to apply innovative approaches and techniques to the modern workplace.




Sparkase Bank awarded scholarships to the best students at "Goce Delchev" University - Shtip

In order to strengthen cooperation and support for the development of young potential, Sparkase Banka awarded annual scholarships to four successful students from the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics - UGD at "Goce Delchev" University in Shtip, to students David Mitevski, Violeta Qahaeva, Marija Milenkovska and Angela Akimovska.

In the future, the bank as a socially responsible company will continue to implement joint projects with universities for greater support of young and talented students, primarily for their further professional training and development in their professional career.

#beliveinyourself #sparkasselife

Social Impact Award - Award for social entrepreneurship

Sparkasse Bank, within the framework of the social responsibility strategy under the "Sparkasse Life" platform, actively supports projects aimed at education, mentoring support and financial counseling of young and talented students, development of their capacities for running their own business, which in the future it will be expanded even more within the framework of a special financial program intended precisely for this important target group.As part of the Erste and Sparkase Group, we provide support for the realization of projects that have a social component, we support young innovators, future entrepreneurs who have a vision for the realization of their projects, as well as contribute to greater involvement and inclusion of socially vulnerable categories. I hope that in the future we will also witness excellent projects, and we as a bank will continue to provide our support.

Since 2014, Sparkasse Bank has continuously supported the Social Impact Award, as one of the patrons of the event, but at the same time with a strong belief that these ideas will make a visible change and desire that they represent a significant contribution to a better and higher quality society.

Best of South-East

Best of South East is a scholarship that allows you to visit the University of Graz as an exchange student for a period of one year, and at the same time to do practical work in the group.

Answer the challenge and progress in your education!

Learn more about the program and how to apply 👉 

#believeinyourself #thefutureisyours #BestOfSouthEast

Sparkasse team of Ohrid Run 2021

The Sparkase team is always ready for new victories, third place team building women at the Ohrid Run 🎉🏆

Well done girls, we are proud of you 👏

#beliveinyourself #sparkasselife

Support for the basketball club "FMP Academy" 2020.

Sparkasse Bank on the side of young people and sports, in the direction of supporting sports potential!

Support for the FMP Academy Basketball Club is another successful project within the Sparkasse Life platform, intended to support the development of sports and talented athletes in our country.

##believeinyourself #sparkasselife

First to the top

A sports-recreational event with which the people of Skopje, together with visitors from all over Macedonia and neighboring countries, compete en masse to the top of their mountain Vodno one day a year. The climb has a competitive nature for those who want to prove that their regular association with Vodno has resulted in a record time for climbing from the foot to the top of Vodno.

Искачувањето има натпреварувачки карактер за оние кои сакаат да се докажат дека своето редовно дружење со Водно резултирало со рекордно време за качување од подножјето до врвот на Водно.

Skopje is one of the few cities in the world that can boast of having a beautiful mountain that starts from the city center and there is no resident of the city who does not visit Vodno several times a year. Water is a corner for the recreation of every Skopje citizen at any time of the year. FIRST TO THE TOP is an occasion to climb our mountain together one day a year

Congratulations to colleagues!

Skopje Marathon

Within the Sparkasse Life platform, every year a team from Sparkasse Bank regularly participates in the Skopje Marathon. We support our colleagues and coach them for the best possible results.

Innovation Camp of Junior Achievement Macedonia

Sparkasse Bank is a supporter of the Innovation Camp in the banking sector! Through a creative exercise, students gain first-hand experience learning about teamwork, with the help of business volunteers, how to turn their ideas into action and how to agree on a final concept.