Local community

Through numerous projects implemented to institutions and organizations that belong or whose activity is directed towards development of the local community, Sparkasse Bank contributes to the creation of additional values in the community where it operates, and at the same time allows realization of projects mainly focused on environment and cultural heritage protection and art development. As part of the community, non-governmental organizations, public institutions, religious communities and citizens' associations are included in protection of socially vulnerable groups.

For Childern's smiles

On the occasion of August 19th – World Humanity Day Sparkasse Bank, in collaboration with a longtime partner- SOS Children's Village, launched a joint campaign under the motto - "For more children's smiles", which conveys a strong message of the power of connection and building strong connections of trust and support, that every child needs to grow into a strong individual.

From 19.08 to 30.09.2022, with each newly opened deposit party of the type Savingplan, Children's Savings, Deposit Plus or Deposit Progress, the Bank will donate 600 denari each for the needs of SOS Children's Village, and depositors will receive a symbolic gift 🎁 – a pencil with seed that can be planted within this direction the following activities are provided:

🌷Employees donate 250 MKD each for seedlings to be planted in sos Children's Village after the campaign is over.

Every child is a special color. And all together they make the world a beautiful flower garden " 🌷



Association of Animal Rights Activists

Sparkasse Bank Macedonia donated 30,000 MKD to AAPW to help homeless animals. The support and humanity towards homeless animals shows the social responsibility of the Bank, which will contribute to resolving the problems that affect the citizens, which is the decrease in the number of street animals.

With this act, Sparkasse Bank became involved in the long-standing struggle to reduce the number of homeless living things, because with the donated funds will be paid sterilization / castration, accommodation of several street puppies, their treatment and housing.

Sparkasse Bank is the first bank in Macedonia that opened its doors to domestic pets and become a pet-friendly bank.

Selection of the MOST ECO-friendly municipality in cooperation with Pacomak

Living in a clean and healthy environment is a reward enough in itself, as it has invaluable importance in the collective level of happiness and satisfaction. However, Pacomak and Sparkasse Bank decided to provide additional awards and donations to the municipalities that have highlighted the most in the past year.

The three municipalities with the best result, according to the commission, will be rewarded for their commitment to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, and the awards will be awarded during October. The awards and donations are provided by Pacomak and Sparkasse Bank, in order to benefit all people in the community, but also to encourage active participation in the fight for a cleaner environment.

"Step by step" - Support program for startup companies

As the first bank to introduce a specialized educational and mentoring program to support and access financial resources in the form of a bank loan for start-up businesses, Sparkase Bank shows its responsible banking operations and through Step By Step, the programme contributes to strengthening the domestic economy, while also giving social support to companies that are in the initial phase of developing their own business.

It began in 2019 and after two successfully implemented cycles enabled the financing of about 20 start-up businesses, which are now stable and successful micro companies on the Macedonian market, with a total credit financing amount of about 200,000 euros.

Through the conclusion of future partnerships and co-operations, as well as networking all interested institutions in the NGO sector, Sparkasse Bank macedonia continues its mission to provide access to finance and an educational programme for young and talented innovators as their business idea to develop it into a sustainable business and thus improve the conditions for domestic entrepreneurship, but also to encourage the creative and innovative industry in the country.