Development and Education

Do you know what your pluses are in which you are better than the others? We will help you in their recognition and prominence in your career.

With us, you will acquire continuous professional and personal development. A perspective work environment is waiting for you, and the work is developed along with education and training and the specific experience we offer.

The environment in our Group is interesting and dynamic, and continuous education and development is the foundation of our approach to work. You can assume different ways of learning: through working with more experienced colleagues or by innovating new challenging tasks, through formal educational programs related to professional knowledge and competence development and through knowledge sharing in the Group. Irrelevant of the way of learning and development, most important for us is to enjoy it.

We want to inspire our employees and we expect all employees to proactively participate in their own advancement.

Are you willing to inspire us?

Internal labor market

As a part of our concept to stimulate internal mobility and mobility in the Group thus becoming attractive employer, we offer opportunities to include in the internal vacancies and we allow access to the open positions in the Group.

Career Talent Management

Talented employees are those who work above the average and show great potential for further development. We believe that if you enjoy in your work and add passion and will to your personal development you can be prominent as one of our talents. Real potential does not stem from your status and formal education but from the ability and commitment involved.

See also for:


Human Resources Department

Vasil Iljoski 14, 1000 Skopje, R. of North Macedonia

Tel: +389 2 3167 156