Our way of work

We in Sparkasse bank believe that work is to be a part of your life and motivate you and contribute to your development and progress in a fan, interesting way. We believe that your work should have a deeper significance. We have identified 7 fundamentals basis of the search for deeper significance in Sparkasse Bank:


To engage in something important

Money can have a deeper sense of how, when and what you work – within your job description – is interesting and satisfactory, and is of special importance for you. Each job contributes to the common objective, that is, to help our clients better manage their finances.


Human approach

People come first. We value the emotional side of the performance and always strive to influence how people feel at work. You are not seen just as an employee but as a person. They treat and accept you with respect, and you are required as a person with all your virtues and flaws.


To be accountable

Performance may get deeper sense when you can make decisions, influence the further course of your development yourself and plan your career. This is a kind of freedom, qualifying your employee and encouraging you to take matters into your own hands at Sparkasse Bank. It is not always possible for everyone to be offered unlimited autonomy; however our goal is to give you as much personal responsibility as possible.


Development (personal and professional)

Performance may have deeper sense when you have a vision of your career, when you can develop personally and professionally, when your job offers you continuous training, education and challenging experiences over time.  Whenever possible, we offer our employees different ways to develop.


To enjoy the work

Performance may have deeper sense when you enjoy going to work, when the work environment is pleasant, team spirit high and when you get on well with your colleagues. It can be perceived whether people like the environment by how long they keep staying here.


To work for a dynamic employer

Performance can have deeper sense when your employer takes the foremost place in the market offering modern products and services, when the job position ensures challenging, motivating and productive environment and when, in that manner, your employer enjoy good reputation in the market and you are proud of working here. When you work here, you work for one of the leading financial institutions in Eastern Europe.


To contribute to the society

Performance can have deeper sense when you work for a responsible, socially active employer, for the one you can be proud of.  Sparkasse Bank builds a team actively engaged in projects for improvement and care for the environment and creating healthy habits among the youngest generations.

See also for:


Human Resources Department

Vasil Iljoski 14, 1000 Skopje, R. of North Macedonia

Tel: +389 2 3167 156
