Privacy Policy

The personal data privacy policy governs the way Sparkase Bank AD Skopje (hereinafter: the Bank) collects, processes and uses the data obtained when visiting the Bank's website, as well as the types of information that can be collected and keep them this way.

Controller of Personal Data Collections

  • Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje
  • st. Vasil Iljoski 14, 1000 Skopje
  • Tel.: + 389 2 15 050
  • Fax: + 389 2 3200 515
  • Е-mail: 

Contact for personal information:

Personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data.

Information collected by the Bank when visiting the website

Data of visitors to the website - navigation data used to analyze data from visits to our website as well as to maintain information security on the website.

The information with which you identify yourself when using the Bank's products and services, i.e. data that you provide us yourself and that you agree to process.

Non-personal information, i.e. data about the content you view, information about the software of the Internet browser, about what content you click on, what products and services you visit, about the type of computer, as well as technical information related to the operating system and the provider of the internet service, etc.

Read more about the use of cookies in our cookie policy .

How is personal data processed?

In its business operation, the bank uses the legal and generally accepted norms for the protection of citizens' personal data. During the processing of personal data from the data collections created by the Bank for the performance of its activity, the general principles for the protection of the privacy of each subject and his personal data are applied.

When creating the collections of personal data for performing its activity, the Bank is guided by the following principles:

  • Legality - The processing of personal data will be considered legal only if it is carried out on one of the bases defined in the Law on Personal Data Protection
  • Fairness - Fair processing is related to the principle that the subject of personal data must be aware that his personal data will be processed. This will allow him to make an informed decision about whether he agrees to such processing and will enable him to fulfill his rights regarding the protection of his personal data.
  • Transparency - Directly related to the principle of fair processing is the principle of transparency, which means that the Bank, as a controller, informs and informs the subject of personal data in a clear and concise manner when processing his personal data. Notification must be timely, using clear and simple language.
  • Accountability - The success of the controller to apply the principle of accountability is seen through the prism of compliance with the principles of personal data processing and the ability to prove that compliance. The bank applies appropriate technical and organizational measures implemented on the basis of a previously conducted risk assessment.

How do we protect your data?

The Bank is obliged to treat the personal data it collects, to the extent determined by the business and other needs and according to the consent received from the subjects of that data, as classified information and to apply the organizational and technical principles and means for their protection against intentional or accidental loss, tampering, unauthorized access or use. In doing so, the Bank uses the same organizational and technical means that it uses for the protection of business information if they provide an adequate degree of protection or apply specific measures adapted to the needs for the protection of personal data.

The bank will not sell or transfer personal data to third parties except in the cases provided by law or if it is necessary to carry out the business operations for which the data was collected..

The transfer of personal data is carried out by ensuring an appropriate degree of their protection, specific to the method and the medium with which the transfer is carried out, to prevent the possibility of their reading during the transfer.

Processing and sharing of information

While visiting the website, your privacy is fully respected.

We do not share data about you and/or your visit to our website to third parties, except in the following cases:

    • in case of hiring service providers, if the Bank hires them as processors, they will be obliged to act according to the Bank's instructions and ensure the protection of personal data that is processed during the provision of those services.
    • Explicit consent of the subject
    • At the request of a court, police or other authorities and bodies for the exercise of their competences and only if there is a legal basis for it

Your personal data collected by the Bank can be used for the following:

  • To identify you in order to provide you with the necessary information regarding the use of the Bank's products and services.
  • Facilitate your search and clarify ambiguities regarding the Bank and/or the functioning of its products and services.
  • To provide you with assistance in case of complaints or problems related to the use of the Bank's products and services.
  • To provide you with feedback and express your opinion regarding the Bank's products and services.
  • Да ја разгледа можноста за Ваше вработување доколку аплицирате за работа во Банката преку веб-страницата.

Categories of data processed

When visiting our website server, logs with the following data are created for each visitor:

  • Your Internet Protocol (IP) address;
  • The device you are accessing from, type and model;
  • Your operating system;
  • The type of search engine, plugins and version;
  • The pages you visit on our website and the time you spend on each page;
  • The URL of the page that referred you to our website and, in some cases, the terms you used in trying to find the DZLP site;
  • The language of the browser you are using;
  • Country (determined by IP address).

Server logs are protected according to prescribed technical and organizational measures, unless circumstances require longer retention, for example, to investigate a virus or malicious attack.

Data that users voluntarily submit

Personal data that we collect from your visit to our website is that which you voluntarily submit for specific purposes, to enable us to exercise our powers of consultation, investigation, corrective sanctions, granting approvals and advisory powers (including data necessary to comply with legal and regulatory requirements), such as asking questions and/or opinions on various issues in the field of personal data protection, providing feedback, submitting requests and initiatives to conduct supervision, participate in our Network of Personal Data Protection Officers, report misuse of personal data on social networks, report high-risk collections of personal data and/or personal data breach, or request any any other administrative service from the Bank.

What are your rights?

The principle of accountability and transparency is a fundamental principle of any personal data protection system..

The bank as a controller has established principles and mechanisms for transparent information and realization of the rights of the subjects of personal data according to the Law.

The bank informs the subject of the personal data about his rights and obligations at the time of data collection, i.e. the completion of the business cooperation..

According to the Personal Data Protection Law, your rights regarding the processing of personal data are:

  • right to transparency and information (Article 16)
  • right of access to personal data (Article 19),
  • right to rectification (Article 20),
  • right to erasure (Article 21),
  • right to restriction of processing (Article 22),
  • right of portability (Article 23)
  • right of objection (Article 24);

For additional information and/or exercise of your rights for personal data protection, you can contact our personal data protection officer Blazenka Micevska Pejkova at the following e-mail: 

You can exercise your right by filling out the following forms - Барање, Приговор and deliver them to the nearest Branch of Sparkase Bank AD Skopje, by mail at the address "Vasil Iljoski" street. No. 14, 1000 Skopje with the designation “for personal data protection officer“ or directly to the Personal Data Protection Officer of the following e-mail: 

Acceptance of Terms

By using this website, you agree, that is, you accept the provisions of the Bank's Privacy Policy.

Rulebook on the method of performing video surveillance in the bank

On the next one линк you can read the rulebook on how to perform video surveillance in the bank.