Security of your computer and the Internet browser.

  • Do not install additional software for NetBanking service of SPARKASSE BANK MAKEDONIJA AD Skopje (the Bank). You do not need additional programs to use NetBanking services. All you need is your Internet browser (AMG Browser).
    If installing or special setting is needed, the Bank will inform you accordingly through its communication channels.
    The initial NetBanking login page lists the versions and type of browsers that are supported.
  • Do not log in NetBanking on a computer provided for public use (for example: Internet cafes) or a computer serviced by unknown persons. You will never be sure that you have not run into hidden malicious software (malware) in the above mentioned computers that steal user accounts and passwords regardless of whether they are acquired due to lack of or poor antivirus or they are intentionally installed by the service providers.
    If you have already logged in from a potentially insecure and compromised computer, never leave the computer where you have an active online banking session. When you have finished using it, make sure the Internet browser is closed and log off from the computer.
  • Do not leave your computer without a regularly updated anti-virus protection and an active firewall. Avoid installing an antivirus from an unknown brand because such applications usually after the installation falsely alert the user for the allegedly detected virus and require a surcharge for its complete removal. Sometimes such fake anti-virus solutions can additionally install malicious applications (Trojans, spyware, key logger, and etc.).
  • Regardless of the operating system you are using, surfing with the Internet browser during a session in which you are logged in as a privileged user (a member of the Local Administrators group on the Windows platform) is risky and is not recommended.
    It is necessary for your computer to create an account that does not belong to any privileged user group and use it during browsing on the Internet, and use sessions with a privileged user only when needed to install a new application or perform periodic maintenance activities on your computer.