MKD account

Simple management with your funds.

The denar transaction account has a simple use – for inflows and management of cash. With the MKD account from Sparkasse you have the possibility to combine the MKD account with additional services that suit your needs. Moreover, through the widespread network of branches and 95 ATMs in Macedonia your MKD funds are always available.

Fees for a MKD transaction account

Opening an account

no fees

Account management

32 MKD if the account is active with an available balance, there are changes in the current month or the account is linked to an active product regardless of the balance

You can link your denar transaction account with:


Your bank at any time and place

Debit card

Pay simple and safe in the country and abroad

Permitted overdraft

Use the funds from the “allowed negative balance”"

Standing orders

Pay your bills through a standing order

Find out more about the alternative services:

Take your bank with you wherever you go.

Whether you make payments from your computer or from home, and maybe you want to pay on the move, our offer of alternative services is adjusted to your needs.

You can check the balance of your accounts, credit cards and loans, and pay bills and payment orders to natural and legal persons fast and easy..

Sparkasse debit cards

For special occasions, comfortable trips, fabulous shopping or in a situation when you do not have cash with you – use the Sparkasse debit cards, which offer the following benefits:

  • Cash withdrawal in Macedonia and anywhere the Group is present.
  • Opportunity for online application

Permitted overdraft

Apply for permitted overdraft immediately after you receive your first salary on your account at Sparkasse Bank Makedonija and make use of the benefits offered by the service “allowed negative balance”.

КCombine the permitted overdraft with your debit card and electronic/mobile banking and enjoy the benefits.

Standing order

Conclude a Standing Order Contracts and authorize your Bank to pay all your charges in and on your behalf.

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.