Contactless payment

Secure.Quickly. Easy.

Sparkasse Bank Makedonija is one of the first banks to have introduced MasterCard contactless technology with its payment cards. With your contactless cards you make your transaction independently – just draw your card nearer the POS device and your transaction will be realized in a few seconds without entering the PIN.  

There is no need to enter your PIN for payment authorization for transactions under MKD 750. You do not need to worry when you use MasterCard Debit Contactless since the payment is optimally safe and fast.

Fast and simple payment

for an amount under MKD 750

without PIN authorization

for an amount over MKD 750

the transaction is PIN authorized

Instructions for use:


Draw your card nearer the contactless card reader (POS device).


If the transaction amount is over MKD 750, enter your PIN.


Successfully realized purchase.


  • control of the card since you do not hand it in to the salesperson;
  • the payment speed does not allow to copy the card data;
  • there is no possibility of accidental payment as the card must be drawn nearer the payment device;
  • one transaction cannot be made more than once unless the card is drawn nearer to the device more than once.

Useful tips:

  • regularly check the transaction operations and the account balance linked to the payment card;
  • never leave your card unattended;
  • immediately report to the Bank if you suspect that your card has been misused or lost;
  • request a slip from the dealer as a confirmation of successfully made payment.

Safety above all.

Sparkasse Bank protects the financial information and privacy of its clients through the use of high security measures.

Payment with MasterCard Contactless is safe and fast and the clients do not need to worry. The contactless service is implemented according to the highest MasterCard standards, and the communication between the card and device where payment is made is stipulated by international standards.

The user is obliged to regularly follow the transactions made with the contactless card. In case of loss or theft of the card, the user must immediately inform the Bank on 02 3200 600.