Interest-free installment payment

Basic information

Sparkasse Bank Makedonija in an arrangement of certain points of sale/dealers offers a possibility of INTEREST-FREE purchase in equal monthly instalments for all holders of MasterCard and Visa credit cards issued by Sparkasse Bank Makedonija.

  • Purchase option in 3, 6, 9, 12 and 20 equal monthly instalments
  • The total instalment transaction amount has to be within the credit limit in disposal, and the instalments come due and payable as fixed payment amounts (interest-free) each month depending on the number of instalments and are included in the minimum payment amount with 5% of the due and payable monthly instalment
  • The instalment option is available with dealers that have concluded an Instalment Payment Agreement with the credit cards issued by Sparkasse Bank Makedonija.
  • The number of instalments is defined individually for each point of sale

Interest-free instalment purchase at points of sale

Number of instalments

3, 6, 9, 12 and 20 months fixed payment amounts


interest and commission free at arranged points of sale

Points of sale

more than 1,000 interest-free instalment payment dealers

This service is available with the following payment cards:

  • Mastercard Standard credit card
  • Visa Classic credit card
  • Mastercard Gold credit card
  • Visa Gold credit card

*The credit cards have to be issued by Sparkasse Bank Makedonija AD Skopje.

A list of points of sale for interest-free instalment purchase

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.