Visa Classic

A card accepted worldwide.

Ideal for travels and shopping in your favorite stores

Visa credit card is accepted in more than 40 million sales points worldwide. Worldwide accessibility of the card offers you an assurance that you can simply pay for daily expenses with this card.

Accessible in the country, abroad and the Internet

Visa of Sparkasse Bank is accepted at more than 40 million sales points indicating acceptance of the Visa. All Visa cards are accepted in the Internet with all dealers indicating acceptance of the Visa brand.

Interest rate

The interest rate for all clients who apply for Visa Clasic credit card will be in accordance with the valid decision on interest rates of the Bank.

Interest rate at the moment: 14,30% (reference interest rate for calculation of penalty interest of NBRNM + 8%) is calculated and charged monthly.

Amount of revolving credit card limit

The maximum amount of the revolving limit is up to 4 salaries (the limit is defined under the Bank internal procedures). The minimum amount of the monthly repayment is 5% of the used limit on the credit card.

Minimum amount of Visa Clasic credit card: 15.000 MKD.

Maximum amount of Visa Clasic credit card: 100.000 MKD.

Additional credit card benefits

Withdraw cash from ATM without commision


Payment on instalment


Inovative ATMs




Charges and conditions

Application costs


Annual membership


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