Home is where you feel good

  • Fixed interest rate of 3.10% for the first 5 years
  • No notary fees and no administrative costs until 31.12.2022

Basic characteristics

Maximum loan amount

Up to EUR 400,000

Repayment period

up to 30 years

Approval fee

800 MKD

Interest rate


Starting at 3.10% for the first 5 years

(linked to 6 month Euribor rate)

after expiration of the fixed period

from 4.4% depending on the client’s internal rating

Transfer of the salary in Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje!

Persons who do not receive their salary in Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje, and are willing to apply for this product, must file a statement that their salary will be transferred through the Bank within 45 as of the date of conclusion of the Loan Agreement.

Purpose of the loan

Purchase of real estate (apartment, house)

Extension/superstructure of residential space in line with submitted design and construction permit

Refinancing of a housing loan in another bank

Please use the calculator to obtain information estimate of the monthly installment for a housing loan with fixed interest rate for the first 5 years.

Security for the loan

  • The client’s own deposit as of 10%
  • Mortgage on an apartment/house
  • Property insurance policy vinculated in favor of the Bank


Administrative costs

0 from the loan amount

Commision for using data from MCB

400 MKD loan approval commission

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.