Package for Pensioners

Always receive your pension on 1st day of the month.

Why is it beneficial to use the Sparkasse Package for Pensioners?

  • The package is intended for all retired who receive their pension on a transaction account in Sparkasse Bank Makedonija.
  • Perfect opportunity to enjoy the retirement days.
  • The only opportunity to dedicate to your wishes and desires of your beloved.
  • Receive your pension on your Sparkasse account on 1st of each month.

What do you get with the Package for Pensioners?

Pension on 1st each month

Receive your pension earlier than the others do, on the first day in each month.


E-banking pay at any time and from any location

MKD account and debit card

With the Package for Pensioners you obtain transaction account and debit card from Sparkasse Bank Makedonija.

Consumer loan

Consumer loan with fixed interest rate of 7% in the first two years, maximum amount up to MKD 300,000 including Life Insurance Policy.

Standing order

Free standing order for payment of the consumer loan obligations.

Basic characteristics of the consumer loan for retired:

  • fixed interest rate of 7% for the first two years;
  • variable interest rate commencing from 8% after expiry of the fixed period;
  • life insurance policy included;
  • maximum amount up to MKD 300,000;
  • one creditworthy guarantor for amounts exceeding MKD 120,000;
  • without approval fee;
  • MKD 400 administrative charge.

The Life Insurance Policy ensures exclusive benefits

  • in case of insured event, the insurance company assumes the borrower’s obligations;
  • simple payment of the life insurance premium;
  • in case of prepayment of the loan, the insurance policy is assigned to the client since it is still valid.