Depository Bank

Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje also performs the functions of Custodian Bank for pension funds and Depository Bank for investment funds.  

Types of services of Depository Bank

The types of services offered to domestic pension and investment funds through the Depository Bank Unit are the following:

Safeguarding the property of pension and investment funds;

Settlement of transactions related to investment of the funds’ assets in the country and abroad in line with the client’s instructions;

Control of the calculated net value of the funds’ property;

Notification on corporate events, shareholders assemblies and representation thereon as well as notification on the rights arising from securities and execution of orders related to corporate events;

Collection of yield from securities as well as notifications on disbursed dividends, interests or maturity of other receivables from securities;

Notifications in compliance with legislation;

Other services in line with the clients’ requests.

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.