Children’s Savings – “Medo Shtedo”! 

It’s worth saving for all children’s wishes.

Cosmos savings for little researches of wishes.

Denar is worthier when saved. That’s what Medo Shtedo knows inviting you to a cosmos savings adventure, which can be started with only MKD 3,000 and possibility of additional payments. Neither the cosmos is a boundary when it comes to your desires.

Medo Shtedo headed into the adventure of cosmos savings. Stars, comets and other celestial bodies are not an obstacles but a challenge.

Main characteristics

Interest rate

fixed interest  for MKD, USD and EUR savings


flexible  Pay whenever you want and how much you want

Minimum deposit

MKD 3,000  Possibility of cash and non-cash payments

MEDO SHTEDO Children’s Savings documentation

Birth certificate (copy).

Identification document of both parents /guardians (copy).

Statement from both parents /guardians.

Valid decision of the Social Work Center for assignment of the minor guardian (optional).

Calculate your deposit yield

Decision on Interest Rate

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.