Principles for responsible banking


Sparkasse Bank Makedonija AD Skopje has become an official signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Banking - the only framework for sustainability in the banking industry, developed through an innovative partnership between banks around the world and the United Nations Environment Program Financial Initiative.

The principles of responsible banking, which have already been signed by 200 banks, including Sparkasse Bank Makedonija, define the role and responsibility of the banking industry in shaping a sustainable future and aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement 2015. The principles also offer an equally important opportunity for the bank to embed stability in all its business areas and to see where it has the potential to make the most of its contributions to a sustainable world. At the same time, through them the bank is positioned in a way that it can use new business opportunities in the beginnings of a sustainable development economy.

Sustainability is already part of the Bank's business strategy, which clearly defines the Bank's responsibility not only in its main banking activities, but also the responsibility in relations with our customers, employees, shareholders and the community.

Gligor Bishev, CEO, said: "Sparkasse Bank Makedonija is one of the pioneers in the development of social responsibility in the Republic of North Macedonia. As part of a leading banking group, we followed the best examples and practices of the parent bank - Steiermaerkische Sparkasse from Graz, Austria, and incorporated the basics of responsible banking into our core business strategy. By establishing sustainable practices and enabling economic activities that create prosperity for present and future generations, we will contribute to achieving the goals of society. The Bank will become even more successful in implementing the principles by following the UN Environment Program Financing Initiative, and by making a strong commitment to increase our positive impact and reduce the negative impact on people and the environment that results from our activities, products and services. "

Sparkasse Bank Macedonia, as a signatory bank, is committed to taking three steps to improve its impact on society and the environment, namely: analysis of the current impact on population and the planet, setting goals in areas where the bank can achieve the most significant effect and public reporting on progress.

The first report assessing the Bank's progress in applying the UN principles can be found at the following link.

More information on the Principles of Responsible Banking can be found here: