Loan for financing construction of facilities intended for sale

Loan for financing construction of facilities intended for sale A user of the loan has to be a company purposely incorporated for realization of the relevant project. Successive tranche loan in accordance with approved interim certificate by the Supervisory Board based on suppliers’ invoices for the purpose of realization of the project. Repayment terms – one-time or successively in line with the sale inflows.

Basic characteristics

Own participation

min 30% of the total investment value of the project

Repayment period

up to 48 months possibility of 24-month grace period

Currency of the loan

MKD or foreign currency loans

Preconditions to be met to apply for this type of loan:

• Site layout plan
• Valid Construction Permit
• Ownership or coownership of the construction site
• Complete project documentation

Do you need additional information?

Call us with complete confidence, we will settle all your requests as soon as possible.